After the Workshop Is Over

It's a bit like the morning after a big party.

The studio is a mess. I don't care, but the cat doesn't like things out of place. So my first order of business is to wash the dishes, put away the tables and chairs, and restore organization to TDS Headquarters.

While I'm doing this, I should be thinking about the publishing that I'm behind on. Instead, however, I'm still mulling over the conversations from the weekend.

After a few years of leading workshops, the one thing I've learned is that photographers don't get to spend enough time with other photographers. And unless this is your passion, it's hard to understand the balancing act between technology and artistry. Because photography requires both sides of the brain.

That's why the conversations are so interesting. Topics bounce from lighting, to cameras, to travel, to personal history, and then careen off from there. If you're a photographer, this all makes perfect sense. If not, it's probably a lot of blah, blah, blah with a few juicy tidbits.

And that's why we need each other. If you're a photographer, you know exactly what I'm talking about.
