Musician George Shaw - "Say Yes"

This week, The Nimble Photographer interviews musician George Shaw, whose journey began in a small town in Alabama and led him to rubbing elbows with some of the greatest jazz artists of all time. His philosophy about art and life is enjoyable and fascinating. He explains how this all happened in this conversation with Derrick Story.

As a young man, George Shaw flew from city to city for two years, cassette recorder in hand, with a question he posed to each music professional he interviewed: “How can music, and in particular improvisation, best be taught?” After studying their answers and writing a dissertation on this subject, Dr. Shaw applied what he learned to teaching music and improvisation at the college level.

But that’s only part of the story and a fraction of what George has learned along the way. We delve deeper into his experience on today’s Nimble Photographer podcast. Thanks for joining us.


You can learn more about George Shaw by visiting

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