Bringing Nature Home

I have a pretty good set-up here at the studio. My worktable faces a big sliding glass door, which opens up into my patio garden. Since this is the South side of the building, I get plenty of sun in the Winter to help warm the downstairs area.

The patio, which I can see from my desk, features a variety of plants, a small lemon tree, and two birdbaths. The shallow bath is used by the smaller birds, and the larger one is frequented by Towhees, Jays, and anyone else who passes by.

During the offseason, the birds provide entertainment for both me and Dibs. I'm amazed to watch them bath in 35 degree weather. But they seem to enjoy it. 

In the summer, I use this area as my backyard nature studio. If I have to test a lens, or assemble a handful of interesting shots for a new camera that I'm vetting, this is the place. I just open the sliding door, grab a reflector, and choose my subject from the selection of plants and birds.

Bringing nature home is a big deal for me. As I watch the seasons cycle through my townhouse patio, I feel more relaxed, think better, and am at times rewarded with some lovely images. 

(Dibs just jumped off the table here to attack a string that's on the floor. Very entertaining for both of us.) I guess having a cat at work isn't bad either.
